Other Tabs & Accordions questions

Syntax differences J3 Sliders to J4 Accordions

Nick Ellis's Avatar Nick Ellis
Hi all,

In J3 Sliders I was using the following to display an article inside a Slider:

{slider title="Dokumente" open="false" class="icon"}{article 309}{/article}{/sliders}

I know I have to change out the syntax for J4 Pro version of Tabs & Accordions to:

{accordion title="Dokumente" open="false" icons="true"}{article 309}{/article}{/accordions}

I can't find any references for displaying articles in the documentation so I wasn't really expecting this to work.

Is it possible to display articles within the accordion tag?
If so, could someone please point me in the right direction?


Nick Ellis's Avatar Nick Ellis
Thanks for the very fast reply, I'll check it out.
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