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random numbers in accordion hash tags?

Liam Hanks's Avatar Liam Hanks
It seems that recently all of my accordions now have a random number appended to the url hash tag, even if I set the alias with alias="alias" in the accordion. It makes my otherwise nice SEF urls look kind of odd, and I'm concerned about creating links to these hash tags in case they either a) suddenly disappear or b) change their number.

Is there a reason I'm seeing this, or is it a bug? (I assume it isn't a bug, because I see the same behaviour in your documentation examples).

If not a bug, is there any way, via settings or otherwise, to remove these appended numbers?

Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
Is this fixed with the latest release?
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Liam Hanks's Avatar Liam Hanks
Hi Peter,
Looks mostly fixed in 1.4.1 (I can't upgrade to the latest release, as I'm stuck on a server with php 7.x for the moment). The only exception seems to be when the accordion is placed in an editor custom field. In that case, I still get the numbers appearing in the URL hash.

Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
Can you reproduce that on a site that uses the latest version (so using PHP 8.1+)?
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