Other Tabs & Accordions questions

Accordion: position of +/- icons

Bodil Seitz's Avatar Bodil Seitz
Hi Peter,
I am upgrading a site to Joomla 4. I have installed Tabs and Accordions and managed to style it exactly as I had before with the exception of the +/- icons which I need to have on the left as per the attached screenshot. How would I do that?

Your help would be very much appreciated.
Kind regards,
Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
[data-rlta-element=container][data-rlta-state=ready][data-rlta-type=accordions][data-rlta-icons=true] > [data-rlta-element=button] {
    flex-flow: row-reverse;
[data-rlta-element=container][data-rlta-state=ready][data-rlta-type=accordions][data-rlta-icons=true] > [data-rlta-element=button]:after {
	margin-left: 0;
	margin-right: 1rem;
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Bodil Seitz's Avatar Bodil Seitz
Thanks Peter, that worked like a charm!
One more question.. any chance of changing the plus and minus icons back into glyphicons? They look better on this website.
I tried eg.:"content: "\2212"; instead of "-", but it does not work.. adds another set of "".

If it's possible...
Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
You can do that via CSS by applying a font-family to the icons. Use a font that is available in Joomla or your template, and use the corresponding characters.
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Bodil Seitz's Avatar Bodil Seitz
Hi Peter,
Don't you ever sleep?

Thanks so much - all good.

Jy's 'n wonderlike ding!
Kind regards
Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
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