Can I use AA to achieve something similar to a...

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Can I use AA to achieve something similar to a category blog but filtered by tags rather than categories?

Basil Clarke's Avatar Basil Clarke
I'm considering purchasing Articles Anywhere Pro as a replacement for some probably very badly written (and possibly insecure) hacks of my own, but I need to know whether it's possible to achieve what I want.

On the website in question I've created an override for tags which mimic Joomla's category blog view. It works, but I suspect that my code is actually very sub-optimal because my understanding of Joomla components is rather weak.

An example page:

The image and summary text are both stored in custom fields and in order to get them I have to insert a query of the articles and fields tables into the template file. I also have a similar override for the category blog, but in that case it's easier because you can get the values of the custom fields without having to query the database.

An example

So the question is: can I use AA to create these blog-type layouts that have their own urls?
Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
Yes, you can use Articles Anywhere Pro to create blog-type pages based on tag filters (or any other filters you want).

How you build up the blog items is then up to you, using the Data Tags you want for the output.

Please read the documentation on Filters and Pagination:
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