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Modal/Sourcerer - possible to have video play before options on page are available

John Davis's Avatar John Davis

I`m wondering if in the paid versions of either Modal/Sourcerer - it would be possible to have a video play before options on page are available?

I have a video course in which a trainee would review a series of product information videos.

Unfortunataly right now you can just click 'next' on each video page without watching the video.

It occurred to me with either modals or sourcerer I may be able to grey out everything but the video until the video has been played (or failing that some sort of time the modal would have to be open before the rest of the page was assessible?

(using allvideos right now)
Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
There is no functionality specifically for that in Modals.
With Sourcerer you can place your own custom PHP code and javascript. So of course anything is possible then. But you will have to create the code for your specific need yourself.
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