Other Conditional Content questions

Hide Prices or Sold products

Roderic Kreunen's Avatar Roderic Kreunen
Hello, I've been using a custom module for many years to hide either the prices (B2B Virtuemart webshop) or to hide products that are sold on another website that sells unique collectors items that, meaning there is only one piece of every item.

This custom module hides stuff based on a CSS class and stores the selected option in a cookie. Now with J4, this module needs to be rewritten. But before I ask the developer to do so, I was wondering if I could achieve the same with CC or another RL extension. So basically it just needs to hide something, based on user input and remember it for a next visit or at least during the session.

Is this possible?

Alvast bedankt!
Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
You could do this with Conditional Content. However, you would have to code the PHP part that stores the input in the session and the condition yourself.
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