Other Cache Cleaner questions

Just a styling tips - ADD CSS class to the module

Bjorn Ove Bremnes's Avatar Bjorn Ove Bremnes
I found a smart way to override the backghround-color of the button.

Create an override for mod_cachecleaner/default.php

Line 19

$class = 'header-item-content' . ($params->add_button_text ? '' : ' rl-button-no-text');

$class = 'header-item-content reg-cache-cleaner' . ($params->add_button_text ? '' : ' rl-button-no-text');

And put your custom color in "user.css" for the tag

.reg-cache-cleaner {}

I tried putting the class in the module, but it didn't show.

A tips for next version of Reg Cleaner, include unique class name also as default.
Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
Please try the latest development version from:

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Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
The new version has been released.
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