Articles Anywhere produces "The requested page...

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Articles Anywhere produces "The requested page can't be found."

Oliver's Avatar Oliver
I use the latest free version or ArticlesAnywhere with Joomla 4.4.3 and if an article is linked that is not published yet, the complete blog listing reports "The requested page can't be found."

1. create an article that is part of the blog listing.
2. reference an article within that is not published.
3. select the link for the blog listing

Result: The blog layout does not show, the message "The requested page can't be found." is displayed instead. (including the joomla error header etc.)

Expected: The blog is shown but the inserted article is not displayed.

If you then publish the linked article all works as expected, article is shown together with every other article in the blog.

I know this worked at least in in older version with Joomla 3 where I used that frequently. There just nothing was displayed.
Oliver's Avatar Oliver
I tested a bit and I got some strange behavior.
The set up is as follows: Outer article uses the {article}{/article} tag to embed the inner article.
Both articles have Access=Public, with the outer is Status=Published, the inner is Status=Unpublished.

Outer Article:
Status: Published
Access: Public

Inner Article:
ID: 56
Status: Unpublished
Access: Public

The Plugin is configured as:
Ignore Access Level: No
Ignore Publish Level: No

(1) The first I did was using the following article inclusion within the outer article:
{article id="56"}[article]{/article}

Expected: Article blog displayed, article-56 not displayed
Outcome: Error Message: The requested page can't be found.

(2) I added the following tag into the {article} block
{article id="56" ignore-state="true"}[article]{/article}

Expected: Article blog displayed, article-56 not displayed
Outcome: Error Message: The requested page can't be found.

(3) I added the following tag into the {article} block
{article id="56" ignore-access="true"}[article]{/article}

Expected: Article blog displayed, article-56 not displayed
Outcome: Article blog displayed, article-56 not displayed

Now looking at 2 and 3 I experimented for by temporarily changing the article access
of the inner document to "Special" and for both (2), and (3), the outcome was the same.

When I turned the settings in the Plugin from No to Yes, all tests 1-3 returned the error message,
regardless if I added the "ignore-..." tag or not.

So for now I will not link articles that are not published and accessible to prevent
blog menus from not working but there is definitively something wrong.
Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
I am not able to reproduce this issue.
So I guess there is some other extension in the mix.

Can you reproduce this on a clean setup with just Articles Anywhere installed?
Please post a rating at the Joomla! Extensions Directory
Oliver's Avatar Oliver
OK I will do sometime this week and get back to you.
Oliver's Avatar Oliver
Hi Peter,
I tried another install and there everything is fine as you say. Not sure what is going on.
Interestingly, on my production system including the clone I pull down from my WebHost and install it on my internal server farm, the error occurs. When I enable DEBUG no error at all. Even when I turn debug off again, all works fine... Until I unpublish the integrated document.
I guess I might debug through the complete call because I cannot see anything in the server logs, no errors. I let you know if I ever figure out what it is.
In generel, the only plugins I have is EventBooking, JCE, RegularLabs ArticlesAnywhere and Templater. I have also a self backed one for social media icon integration but the later one I already riled out by uninstalling it with no impact.

Anyhow Thanks,
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