Modules AnyWhere: WebAssetManager is locked, you...

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Modules AnyWhere: WebAssetManager is locked, you came late

Milian's Avatar Milian
Hi Peter,

After instaling the latest Modules Anywhere on a Joomla 5 website.
I got an error:

WebAssetManager is locked, you came late

Confidential information:

When I Disable the Regular Labs - Modules Anywhere 8.0.2.
The error is gone. ( I Found this on the internet)

I see on the internet that you are aware of this issue.

Now I use the Joomla {module id="..."}

Then the error is gone.
But I like your module.

Hope this is solved in a next update.
Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
The question here is where you are using that.

That Joomla is throwing that message is not something I can fix from Modules Anywhere. That's down to how Joomla 4 & 5 work, depending on when the module gets loaded (and tries to load scripts and styles).

So where are you placing the {module} tag? In another module? In a component? In an article? And directly? Or is it included via other plugins?
I see on the internet that you are aware of this issue.
Then you should also have found my replies and solutions about this.
Please post a rating at the Joomla! Extensions Directory
Milian's Avatar Milian
The module tag is placed in an article(s) and also in a HTML (wysiwyg) module.

In the bottom of the center page you'll see two modules (the red ones)
In the top right you see the Module (red button).

Confidential information:

No, I did not see (or found) your solution for this.
I only read some threads.

Will you send me the URL where your solution is?
That should be great.
Thanks and rgards,
Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
In the module where you placed the {module} tags, enable the Prepare Content option.
Please post a rating at the Joomla! Extensions Directory
Milian's Avatar Milian
Thanks Peter!
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