Issue with Snippets Breaking Structured Data

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Issue with Snippets Breaking Structured Data

Ben Seidel's Avatar Ben Seidel
We are using the latest version of Snippets on a Joomla 4 site with EasyBlog to insert snippets for affiliate items. We love using Snippets for this!
Most of our blog posts are running just fine and we have no issues with Structured Data. However, with our BlogPosting structured data, any blog posts that have Snippets inserted we get a warning in Google Search Console that there is "Unparsable structured data
Parsing error: Missing ',' or '}'

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Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
You have an extension that is creating a javascript block filled with content from the blog post.
It does not pass that through the content/system plugins first. So all {snippet} tags remain in tact.
Then when Snippets replaces those tags, you get raw HTML inside those javascript blocks.

Maybe this can be solved by changing the system plugin ordering. But probably you need to ask the EasyBlog support about this.

Please post a rating at the Joomla! Extensions Directory
Ben Seidel's Avatar Ben Seidel
I asked EasyBlog support. They tried multiple variations of ordering and nothing fixed the issue. Any other ideas on your end?
Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
If it is not something that can be fixed via the ordering, then you need to ask Easyblog support about this.
You have an extension that is creating a javascript block filled with content from the blog post.
It does not pass that through the content/system plugins first. So all {snippet} tags remain in tact.
Then when Snippets replaces those tags, you get raw HTML inside those javascript blocks.
Please post a rating at the Joomla! Extensions Directory
Ben Seidel's Avatar Ben Seidel
As an update on this, I have responded back to Stack Ideas with your latest feedback and am awaiting a response
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