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«tags="current"» is not working anymore

Seppi's Avatar Seppi
Hi Peter

On Joomla 4, latest articles anywhere version, we got the following issue (unfortunately I can't track it exactly since when, I'm not sure if it's because of the upgrade to Yootheme Pro 4.x). However, it worked (the customer approved it some months ago) and now it's not working anymore.

What we need: On a single article in the category «module» I want to display all articles from the category «products» if they have the same tag assigned as the currently loaded article has. I'm sure we could do this wie «tags="current"»:
{articles category="products" tags="current"} 
    {if introtext >=""}
        [image-intro width="35"] [title]
        [image-intro width="40"] [title]

I assume something is wrong with «tags="current"», because if I replace "current" with name of an actual tag "mytag", the whole thing works like it worked before. But I need this dynamic because I want to use it in a template.

I hope it won't get too embarrassing for me, but I just can't find the reason.


Seppi's Avatar Seppi
I guess I found the issue, the current article does contain more than one tag, so there's not an exact match with the products and therefore no product is loaded.

So I need something like

«current tag of the article is also assigned the tags of the products»

or let's say «tags="contains current"».

(How) can I achieve this?

Thank you so much!

Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
Please try the latest development version from:
Please post a rating at the Joomla! Extensions Directory
Seppi's Avatar Seppi
awesome! problem fixed.

I think
# J4 Fixes issue with some filters containing multiple values acting as AND instead of OR filters
did the trick.

Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
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