Other Articles Anywhere questions

Error 0 Class "RegularLabs\Library\Lang​uage" not found

Arno Hoitink's Avatar Arno Hoitink
I updated my site from Joomla 3 to 4, before doing so I deleted Articles anywhere.
After update to J4 I installed latest Article Anywhere resulting in error
Class "RegularLabs\Library\Language" not found

I followed your instructions about deleting

but that didn't help.
Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
Try clearing the Joomla cache.
Please post a rating at the Joomla! Extensions Directory
Arno Hoitink's Avatar Arno Hoitink
That didn't help.
Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
Can you give me (super) admin and (s)ftp access so I can take a look?
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Please post a rating at the Joomla! Extensions Directory
Arno Hoitink's Avatar Arno Hoitink
Confidential information:
Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
Something wrong on your setup causing it to not see any cached files in the Cache manager.

Anyway, I emptied both the /cache and administrator/cache folders. And all seems to be working now.
Please post a rating at the Joomla! Extensions Directory
Arno Hoitink's Avatar Arno Hoitink
Are you sure?
I get this error:

Confidential information:
Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
Sorry, should be fixed now.
Please post a rating at the Joomla! Extensions Directory
Arno Hoitink's Avatar Arno Hoitink
Still not working. Sorry
Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
What is not working?
I don't see the errors anymore...
Please post a rating at the Joomla! Extensions Directory
Arno Hoitink's Avatar Arno Hoitink
No errors on homepage, contact and afdelingen. These pages don't use Articles Anywhere.
But the other menus (where I use articles anywhere) still give errors
Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
This seems to be caused by your template.
Make sure you update all your extensions first!
Please post a rating at the Joomla! Extensions Directory
Arno Hoitink's Avatar Arno Hoitink
Ok, thank you so far. I'll check my templates.

Can you please tell me what you changed exactly? This is a test environment and I have to reproduce the changes in my operational environment.

Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
Anyway, I emptied both the /cache and administrator/cache folders.
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