Easily integrate your CDN in Joomla!

A Content Delivery Network (CDN) is a geographically distributed group of servers which provide fast delivery of Internet content, including HTML pages, javascript files, stylesheets, images, and videos.

  • Converts your media URLs to the CDN URLs
  • Specify specific filetypes
  • Spread over different CDNs
  • File versioning

Pull-Zone CDN's

CDN for Joomla! is made to work with any CDN system that supports Pull Zones.

Here are some popular CDN providers that will work with CDN for Joomla!

  • Amazon CloudFront
  • Azure CDN (Microsoft)
  • BunnyCDN
  • CDN77
  • CDNetworks
  • CacheFly
  • KeyCDN
  • StackPath (previously MaxCDN)