Regular Labs was a guest at Joomla World Conference 2017 in Rome, Italy on 18th November 2017, presenting Articles Anywhere.

Articles Anywhere has become a very powerful beast. You can use it to create all sorts of awesomeness. In this session we will explore how Articles Anywhere can be used as a CCK.

With the Pro version of Articles Anywhere, you can also output the data of multiple articles (based on given filters). This gives you extreme power to show whatever article data you want and in whatever way you want it. I will show you how you can use this to create custom pages that are normally only possible with a full-fledged CCK and/or with complex template overrides.

Using Articles Anywhere as a CCK

Using Articles Anywhere will change the way you will think about articles and how you can use them to build up your website.

For a complete overview of all the features included in Articles Anywhere, head over to the full Documentation, and check out the Video Tutorials.