Other Conditional Content questions

Problem using the show Access Level Condition

Federico Dantoni's Avatar Federico Dantoni
I'm using the ACL conditions as usual, but the show condition is not working. The content comes from inside a module, and I'm inserting it using the awesome "Modules Anywhere" plugin. Everything works fine when using the hide condition. When I use:

{hide accesslevels="Manual"}{module content here}{/hide}

Now if I have the Manual ACL, it hides the content, and If I don't have it, it shows the content, as expected.

But, when I want to make it the other way around. Meaning to show the content if I have the Manual ACL, that's when the problem happens. This is the Syntax:

{show accesslevels="Manual}{module content here}{/show}

Now, it should not show the content, unless I have the Manual ACL. But it shows the content anyway, displaying a {/show} at the end.



Same thing happens if I use 'usergroup' instead.

I'm using the latest version of Joomla and Conditional Content v4.6.0 [PRO]

Any ideas,

Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
It is probably due to the system plugin ordering. Try changing the ordering of the plugins in question.
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